Federal Govt Scholarship for Undergraduate, HND, NCE, and Postgraduate 2021

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Here is Federal Govt Scholarship for Undergraduate, HND, NCE, and Postgraduate 2021. If you are looking for the eligibility, scholarship requirements, conditions for the award, and how to apply then check below.

If you belong to – Undergraduate, the higher national diploma (HND), running a programme for National Certificate in Education (NCE), and Postgraduate students then you are eligible to apply. Check further detrails below.

Who are the Federal Govt Scholarship for?

  1. Postgraduate (PG) Award
  2. Undergraduate (UG) Award
  3. Higher National Diploma (HND) Award
  4. National Certificate in Education (NCE) Award.

Federal Govt Scholarship for Undergraduate, HND, NCE, and Postgraduate 2021


Before you can apply for this scholarship and be very successful,there are certain conditions that yoyu must take note of, and they are;

  • The scholarship is tenable in Nigeria and takes effect from the beginning of each academic session. It lapses if not utilized within this period.
  • It shall not be held at the same time with another Award nor for part-time studies.
  • Change of course or level or the Institution of the award is not allowed.
  • The Scholarship allowance is meant to cover: Institution’s charges, fees, and Personal maintenance allowance.

Federal Govt Scholarship Acceptable Field of Study/Courses

  1. Science and Technology.
  2. Medicine and Para-medicals.
  3. Science Subjects with Education.
  4. Arts and other Subjects with Education.
  5. Liberal Arts/Social/Management Sciences
  6. Law.
  7. HND (Science and Technology).
  8. NCE.


Under-Graduate Scholars N150, 000 per annum
Post-Graduate Scholars N180, 000 per annum
HND N100, 000 per annum
NCE N100, 000 per annum

How To Apply for the  FG Scholarships:

Application forms for the federal government scholarship awards are always completed ONLINE. Applicants MUST go through the INSTRUCTIONS before completing the online form

1. All applicants MUST fill the online version of the Application form first and submit it online.

2. All qualified candidates are advised to:

  1. Visit the Federal Scholarship Board’s website:
  2. Click on Application Center
  3. Candidates are meant to register by creating a username and password
  4. A Validation Link would be sent to your mailbox
  5. Click the link
  6. Login in
  7. Click on the Nigerian Award Tab
  8. Read Requirements & Instructions, and continue
  9. Print completed Application Form and bring a copy to the interview venue

Documents Needed:

Federal Govt Scholarship for Undergraduate, HND, NCE, and Postgraduate 2021 documents needed are shown below. Those are the documents you will submit online in the course of registration. Take note and ensure you have them already scanned in your phone, laptop, flash, memory card etc.

  1. Letter of admission to the institution you are studying.
  2. Course Registration
  3. Identity Card
  4. Last sessional examination result
  5. One (1) passport-size photograph

Federal Govt Scholarship for Undergraduate, HND, NCE, and Postgraduate 2021 Requirements

The following are the Federal Govt Scholarship for Undergraduate, HND, NCE, and Postgraduate 2021 requirements for the different programmes mentioned.


All applicants for a postgraduate scholarship should have a FIRST CLASS or 2nd CLASS UPPER DIVISION IN THEIR FIRST DEGREE.


All applicants for an undergraduate scholarship must be in the 2nd year of their studies or above and must have at least 4.0 C.G.P. on a 5 point Scale or its equivalent in previous academic years examinations.


All applicants must have a minimum of 3.5 CGPA (Upper Credit Pass) at ND level. The Award Covers HND 1 AND HND II


The award is for 2nd and 3rd year of NCE programme and candidates must have a minimum of 3.5 CGPA score on 5 point scale or its equivalent in the previous examinations.


  1. Printed Application form
  2. Copy of Educational certificates (on no account should original certificates be submitted)
  3. Copy of Letter of admission to the institution you are studying
  4. Copy of Current Course Registration form
  5. Copy of Last sessional examination result
  6. Copy of Identity Card
  7. Passport-size photographs.

That has been a wrap on the Federal Govt Scholarship for Undergraduate, HND, NCE, and Postgraduate 2021. Check for other Nigeria Scholarships and Latest Ongoing Scholarships, on our sites.

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